
Woke up early today and took a trip up to Bellingham to meet up with @Aminorjourney . Nikki is the voice of Carrie in the Closetspace comics, and author of all her music, and because of that, a dear friend I would do most anything for.

Also got to meet the entire @show crew and a had grocery store lunch with them and caught up for an hour. It was good to see Nikki, @amerikate and @pyoor and meet the names I've heard over the years. :)

I'm sad we didn't have much more time, but they were on a work trip, and a schedule, and time was short. I gave her some signed prints and a sketch I did last night just for her.

I need to see them more often.

I took a little time getting back home, enjoying the summer and because I rarely roadtrip these days to save money. Ended up booking it back home to make physical therapy in time, then got groceries than came home and napped for an hour in the Air Condiitioned office.

Safe travels, TE. Have fun up there. :)

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