Assuming I've put in five resumes a day, five days a week, since I was laid off...and admittedly I haven't done that consistently, but I've done it more than not...a low end estiamtion means I've put in about 2000 resumes.

2000 resumes, 5 interviews. 0.25% hit rate.



It is at this point that I genuinely would suggest you add keywords in whitespace.

NOT the manipulative, "This is not part of my actual CV" style, but genuine pieces which you couldn't fit into the resume as a whole because the "Short, Sweet, Simple" narrative doesn't allow them.

Interviewers are clearly using LLMs and bullshit to exclude you, so it's only fair you fight back.


@theogrin - Already doing this, as well as pasting the entire job description in white text on white space to keep it invisible to human eyes, but readable to keyword scanners.

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