

So there's a YouTube channel I watch about aviation stuff that I really like. The host explains things really well, calls out videos designed to panic you about flying, and is a good source of info.

He just did a video about a woman kicked off a plane for not using the flight attendant's pronouns.

While he defends the flight attendant, he does so from a policy point of view of "it's more efficient to let the passenger go than the flight attendant." But more telling, he says things like "made up pronouns" and "they decided to use pronouns that weren't the real ones" and various other "bogus pronouns."

Yeah, not watching anymore.

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@dolari Yeah, there's a channel I used to watch about bushcrafting, but then he talked about his Bug-Out Bag and "I always have an AR-15 in my truck."
For added fun, the video went up just after a school shooting.

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