
Thoughts Before Bed

I was working on a video for our riffing group that used scenes from the last section of 2001, where Dave Bowman is the only human alive on a big ship orbiting Jupiter. Kubrick and Doug Trumbull really get across the absolute solitude he's in without really ever showing him.

I enjoy solitude. It's the only time I feel like my defenses are down and all the masks are off. It's made me very much a recluse, although not a shut in. I go out, participate in society, I've become incredibly public this last year. I like going out and doing stuff. But at the end of the day, I get to be one person alone in this apartment that's too big for me. And while I feel that solitude that Dave Bowman had out there all alone, I enjoy it.

I'm likely going to lose it before too long asI lose the apartment. And while I do enjoy living with Crystal and Lissa, I find that I'm already missing that solitude. They give me my space, absolutely, and I've always appreciated that. But I enjoy the real solitude I have here.

One of the things I'm hoping is that VR can deliver that feeling. Big spaces just for me. All contained in a little headset. I already have an apartment in VR, as well as a lonely cabin. I may try to rebuild this place, or even better, the house I was going to build in Texas before the land was sold.

Maybe a big old spaceship orbiting Jupiter like Dave Bowman.

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