@rooster Okay, I'm gonna have to ask you not to call me, @JenWithGravy, @dolari, @itsjustjenn, @jen, @jennzycos, and @theogrin out like this. :neobot_pout:
(I didn't choose this name, it chose me. It's just a coincidence that it was the most common girl name in 1984 and also almost every other year that decade.)

@bridget @abstractcow @caroline


@SymTrkl @rooster@chaosfem.tw @JenWithGravy @itsjustjenn @jen @jennzycos @theogrin @bridget @abstractcow @caroline

What's funny is, I was going to be a Marlene for a very long time. I chose Jennifer because it was the name of a character I realized was me.

I will admit, though, I kinda wish I'd ended up with Marlene.

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@dolari @SymTrkl @rooster @JenWithGravy @itsjustjenn @jen @jennzycos @bridget @abstractcow @caroline

I was very nearly a Maria. It really was a toss-up between that and Jennifer.

So that would have been an interesting coincidence!

@dolari Same, I literally wrote Jenn in Somebody Else's Problem as "me, if I were a girl" and forgot about her until after I'd already settled on "Jennifer." Though it was almost "Jessica," I had a Jess in Heresy on Demand who was suspiciously similar to me except younger and with wings...

Jenny write a comic where every character isn't a damn transition goal challenge, difficulty: impossible. (Even ATCB isn't immune, I draw myself quite a bit thinner and cuter than I actually am. :neobot_giggle:)

@rooster @JenWithGravy @itsjustjenn @jen @jennzycos @theogrin @bridget @abstractcow @caroline

@SymTrkl @dolari @rooster @JenWithGravy @itsjustjenn @jennzycos @theogrin @bridget @abstractcow @caroline for me I went to a library (oh so long ago) and read a book of baby names from various years, it was only one of three in the top forty in my year the resonated with me at all and felt like a good fit.

I kind of switched from Jenny towards Jen after a breakup.

@jen Oof. I actually go more by Jen than Jenny. Technically "Jenny" is the name I chose, but my wife felt silly calling me that so she calls me Jen and now most folks in meatspace do, even me. :neobot_laugh_sweat:

@dolari @rooster @JenWithGravy @itsjustjenn @jennzycos @theogrin @bridget @abstractcow @caroline

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