Watching Ranma in its modern remake has put me in mind of some aspects of my youth.

I used to watch and read all manner of media regarding guys getting turned into girls against their will, etc, etc. I'm looking at you, Kittyhawk. You and your Yuuki. (I'm joking, she was part of it, but there were a LOT.)

Now I mostly prefer to watch folks finding self-fulfillment through the exploration of gender and the various things that entails.

On the one hand I understand that this is simply a mark of maturity, a happiness in seeing people (and characters) come to terms with themselves after an exploration of their very being and the various parts within.

It probably also signifies that I'm old. Pardon me, just withering into a pile of ash in the corner, someone sweep me up. /bocchi


@theogrin - While I appreciate the "Forced into a girl" story, I've always looked at my own comic as a story about transitions, both good and bad. It was about Carrie finding her way forward and Allison finding her way out.

Nothing against the forced stories, just not a story I felt like telling.

Also, I've met Kittyhawk. She's awesome. ;)

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