It's 7:30 and I'm awake.
How do you daytimers do it?
Persistence. Get up the same time over the weekend, get enough sleep and in a few months it'll start to stick.
@Orb2069 @dolari this and also enforcing and factoring in bedtime. So ideally, start the routine an hour before you ideally want to sleep, two if you can manage it. I have trouble sleeping, so I have factored that time into my bedtime ritual, even though I may not actually sleep for a few hours.
The key is that if you're in bed, you must be laying down. This is an optional step but important: Anything you do to occupy yourself must not involve thoughts. Games are fine and encouraged, social media isn't unless you're in a good mental state.
@Orb2069 - ten years of an 8AM wake up at Nintendo casts doubt on that sticking part. ;)
Your mileage may absolutely vary. Suggest a caffeine addiction to help fill the cracks.☕
@Orb2069 @dolari speaking of caffeine, the only way I was able to get anywhere near mornings was to strictly disallow caffeine after 6pm (might need to be 5 for 7am wakeup tho). Caffeine stays in your system for many hours after the buzz wears off, and it definitely helps! (I don't know if any of this is helpful but ymmv)