After last week's heavy thoughts over Superman 2, I was hoping that this week would be lighter and sillier.

But no. We're getting an unemployed Richard Pryor right out of the gate being denied an unemployment check.


Eugh. Well, let's watch anyways.

#wenchwaches #superman3

I actually don't remember this film at *all* from my youth. I remember Pryor, as I also loved Brewster's Millions (1985), but beyond that I kept crossing it in my memory with Superman 4, The Quest for Peace. Audiences apparently agreed with my childhood opinions and didn't think much of this film either.

The few things I do remember happen early on in the first act during the chemical plant sequence. Compared to previous films, it's nice to see a more complex sequence rather than a montage of much smaller ones. It helps keep the interest up.

#wenchwaches #superman3


Yes, this is the only of the original Superman films which does *not* feature Lex Luthor (Gene Hackman) at all. Instead, we have Vaughn as Ross Webster, our evil industrialist.

Vaughn is no Hackman, but he's a competent actor when he wants to be. After all, he single-handedly classed up Corman's "Battle Beyond The Stars". Like in that film, he brings the same sort of intensity to his villainous role.

#wenchwaches #superman3


@socketwench - Robert Vaughn was a replacement for Hackman, who refused to come back for Superman 3 over how the producers treated Richard Donner during the back-to-back filming of Superman 1 and 2.

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