
mh, alc 

so i've done the last month sober. (i started a few days early so the whole short-month thing wasn't a cop-out.) happy to say i didn't fall off the wagon during that time and mostly felt the pull of the bottle in that first week.

i think what gets me drinking most often is when i'm stumbling my way through the day as usual and nothing's feeling great, the bottle whispers "well, you *could* feel different." i'm aware that "different" sometimes means worse, but that doesn't usually stop me from listening.

what i have noticed aside from that is that the urge to drink really only hits me when i see someone in a show or movie drinking. but then again i'm the same way when i see someone on TV enjoying coffee, i'd kill for a cup right then and there.

as always, the junkie expands their limits.

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