
decided to skip a phase in the new computer desk saga. rather than put the new build on the old desk for a while, decided to hold off on using the new build until the new desk is in place, and moved forward with dismantling the old desk (my parents' old kitchen table) that has been in that same spot for 20 years. time to rip off the bandaid.

this will mean running DiS on my laptop, but with the secondary monitor on my work desk, it's certainly doable.

with the desk out, once the area is properly cleaned and i figure out how to get my filing cabinets moved and where they're going to go, time to spackle some holes and make some painting plans. turns out you can get half-gallons of blacklite-reactive paint for $60. guess who has two clacking shiny titanium servo-talons and is going to have a computer desk located in the fucking Grid? [vrrt-KLIK] THIS bot.

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