I am in the pizza place and they are playing a very upbeat song about the specter of nuclear war (99 Red Balloons) and I am just wondering, what is it like to not grow up halfway convinced you may die in a nuclear war at any minute?

I guess now there’s the lingering slow death of the entire environment to worry about so *shrug*


@anthracite the imminent threat of nuclear war growing up felt both very real and very remote. i recall my mother telling me that with the Boeing missile plant so close to where we lived, we'd be the first to go; which i guess was supposed to be comforting. i'd like to think that both sides in the Cold War didn't think the other side was crazy enough to pull the trigger; but the truth lies in a very scary gray area and it's more likely we all came close to being reduced to irradiated ash many times over, and will never know.

i don't miss a lot from the 90's, but i did enjoy about ten years of feeling like existential doom wasn't hanging over all of our heads. it was nice.

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