
having never received the expected callback from swanky!job, i will tomorrow enter into employment with my third choice.

IT staffing can be such a mixed bag at L1, and i feel a sense of dread knowing i'll have to find a way to wedge myself into this place, culturally speaking. in my experience, jobs of this kind attract dull white guys with delusions of mediocrity--i can camouflage myself pretty well as somebody like that, but it's not a fun environment to spend five days a week in. and there's a chance i might be the oldest guy there, which is gonna suck; i don't mind taking direction from a younger colleague who's further up the ladder as long as they know their stuff. it just complicates the dynamic.

i know this is selfish thinking, but i'm hoping beyond hope that at least a couple of my coworkers are going to be either passionately nerdy, visibly queer, or a combination thereof. otherwise it's going to be conversations about frisbee golf and lunch meetings at Buffalo Wild Wings and Docker khakis as far as the eye can see.

as someone who's trying to wedge themself into a much more congenial tech industry environment than your pessimal (but plausible) case, but as the only visibly queer person, i really feel this one, and truly wish you luck. don't hesitate to DM me with thoughts/gripes.

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