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checking out Uncle Bill's bookshelf:

suddenly had the lovely thought that maybe it's possible to glean some sort of insight into humanity from relentlessly ingesting Weird Literature And Culture from everywhere and all times, divining the dark side of existence from thoroughly, ceaselessly sifting through the tortured dreams of the species' shared unconscious.

i only know that i know nothing. i will never know everything i need to know.

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RIP Angelo Badalamenti, composer of the Twin Peaks music. The music was such a large part of this work. Always loved this video of him:

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As we watch Elon Musk slide into rightwing radicalization in real time, I’m reminded of this 1941 piece by Dorothy Thompson.
“Who goes Nazi?”

In short: it is the people who love money and status and power that are at risk.
Those who resist the urge are the people who have a solid family life; a job they love for the work, not the money; a moral framework based on pluralism and equal access to opportunity.
Worth a read. #nazi #Twitter #liberal

i have successfully performed Intermediate Maintenance on my clothes dryer and did not electrocute myself. pizza and a long soak are in order.

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AI art isn't.

It's pictures.

Art is when you set out to cause an emotional response in an audience using a constrained medium. (If not constrained then it's social.)

None of the AIs accept "I want to feel sad with hope for the future" as a prompt. They accept "toucan with a monocle in the style of Van Rijn" as prompts.

No emotional intent? Not art.

Pictures? Yeah, it's a picture blender, but it's only an effective when it's got a lot to work with and that's both narrow and discontinuous.

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Conservatives have no culture. They can only consume what we create and then get mad at us for ruining it.

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Cyborgs are not abstract theoretical constructs.
Cyberpunk has ALWAYS been a warning about what capital does to bodies, amongst others. Disabled people live and breathe this stuff and not in some edgy way, but because it's our lives. We are here and we are hybrid multiplicities and assemblages. We are More Human Than Human, and in the words of Roy Batty in Bladerunner: We Want More Life, F-cker!

#RoyBattyWasRight #Disability #cyberpunk #PKD #philipkdick

Drive-in Saturday had our holiday show tonight. we watched "The Room" together, we laughed, we cried, we got confused, we yelled "what the FUCK" a lot, and now all of us know the true meaning of "oh hai doggie."

it's always a little sad to wrap things up for the year and say goodbye for a little while, but 2023 is going ro be filled with great things for the old Drive-in, you all wait and see. and in the meantime, Joel, take us on home...

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i no longer know or understand what it is i truly want

but that hasn't stopped me from wanting it

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The terrorist attack in Moore County, NC knocked out cell towers, internet and phones. People had to drive to the neighboring county to find out what was going on. They couldn't call 911. As I'm writing this, some towns are still without power.

I can't stress enough how important amateur radio is in situations like this. Handhelds run on batteries, and most hams have several batteries charged at all times. Base units often are run off grid with battery banks, solar, etc. Mobile units run in vehicles. Repeaters are usually powered by solar batteries, the ones based on mountain tops are around here.

Having a license, practice and experience with the radios and nets and having a way to talk to others, call for help, or assist are invaluable.

#hamradio #amateurradio #preparedness #disasterpreparedness

remember kids, being drunk doesn't solve anything.

being drunk, taking a nap, then waking up still inebriated, though, is a good first step to problem-solving, regardless of what the issue was in the first place.

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:acab: make a police scanner with a #raspberryPi - in case you have a pi sitting around and want to keep tabs on law enforcement. Perhaps you could even use it to warn your comrades about police activity.

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Thinking about making something with a #RaspberryPi? Don't. Instead, check out the ROCKPro64 from @PINE64 - you get everything a raspi provides, along with a PCIe 4x slot, up to 128GB of onboard storage, stereo CSI ports, USB-C host port... along with all the same GPIO, USB, and 1G Ethernet that you can get from a raspi.

Best part? You can get it right now. It's actually in stock, no need to pay triple to some scalping reseller or constantly hit refresh on a store's page to see if they've restocked it. Just grab it and start building.

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Don't forget to love one another :blobheart:

When you can, do so openly. Showing your love for the important people in your life in public brings a bright light to dark places and holds back the monsters lingering in the shadows.

Y'know, hero shit. :blobhero: :blob_smile_hearts:

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If people can hate for no reason, you can love for no reason.


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Defend Drag Queen Story Time, Renton WA, Sat Dec 10th 

The Brewmaster's Taproom in Renton, WA is going ahead with their Drag Queen Story Time on Saturday December 10th from 3pm to 5pm despite word of a planned protest.

If it is your Will and you are in the area, you may wish to coordinate and join with their defense.

#LGBTQIA #CommunityDefense #MutualAid #DragQueen #StoryTime #Renton

link to defense coordinators:

link to event announcement:

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.