i have one thing to say today, you'll have to forgive me for not hiding it behind a content warning.
i live in a country that hates me, and people like me. this much is obvious, and it should be obvious to you too. there are people within a mile of me who, if that bastard said my name out loud and gave out my address, would be overjoyed to kill me without a thought to morality or law. this is what we have come to.
if you're looking at the totality of your life this morning and you're feeling the next four years weighing heavily on you, you're not alone (though me personally i've never found that statement comforting. so we're all miserable and facing multiple existential crises at the same time. brilliant. doesn't help)
what did help me though, is the thought that staying alive under circumstances like these is, in and of itself, a revolutionary act. these people would be happier if we were to all die. do not give them that satisfaction. remind them who you are and let them know you're not going anywhere. we will not be so easily cowed.
there is vital work to be done, communities to maintain, people who will need help. you can and will make a difference, but only if you stay with us.
reach out if you need help. be there for others who may need it. there is one way through this, and it's together.
@JulieSqveakaroo "They're Transpicular!"
attention @acetone_kitten i have found our new headquarters for Advanced Reasearch In Communism And UFO Studies, we just have to kick out some Frenchies. bring a broom and some cheese
#OtD 9 Sep 1934 over 100k Londoners flooded Hyde Park to protest a rally by fascist leader Oswald Mosley. Mostly was drowned out by the anti-fascist locals, who then chased the police-protected Nazis out of the park. More about the fight in the 40s: https://workingclasshistory.com/2020/02/17/e35-37-the-43-group/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
I recently saw an amazing Navajo rug at the National Gallery of Art. It looks abstract at first, but it is a detailed representation of the Intel Pentium processor. Called "Replica of a Chip", it was created in 1994 by Marilou Schultz, a Navajo/Diné weaver and math teacher. Intel commissioned the weaving as a gift to the American Indian Science & Engineering Society. 1/6
> #Microsoft confirms that #Windows 11 Recall #AI is not optional — a glitch made it appear so in the Windows 11 24H2 KB5041865 update
But don't worry, the company that is unable to correctly implement a toggle switch assures us that they definitely implemented this new immensely complex piece of technology nobody asked for directly in the operating system in a way that is secure and under no circumstances puts anyone in danger in ways security researchers said it will.
@spottyfox no, sadly the game sucks on toast, and i am bad at platformers anyway. looks awesome though
@dolari i have been on a Star Trek movie semi-rewatch while i'm writing postcards to swing states. hadn't seen TMP in a long time, and i was surprised by how much i enjoyed it.
and of course i've seen TWoK dozens of times by now, but what a satisfying comfort movie.
The Supreme Court decision feels like when a company starts making moves to protect its biggest players before collapse. Everybody scrambling trying to steal what they can.
They've always done what they wanted regardless, but The Powers That Be no longer bothering to even appear legitimate signals trouble
mh (--)
i have been taken down by a bout of terminal lethargy, and have spent most of the weekend in bed, not having fun.
my brain problems have been many and complex lately, but i think i can sum it up fairly simply:
Nightmare Mode now comprises 97% of STRUCTURE X. PRESIDENT FRANKENSTEIN is MIA. there is no contingency plan.
waiting is my only option.
owner of driveinsaturday.org
head projectionist for Drive-in Saturday, the internet's premier movie-riffing organization ("Joel who?")
- = flesh is fleeting, chrome is forever = -