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i've been thinking a lot about memory and perception lately, and as a result a couple of my hyperfoci have neatly dovetailed in a way that makes a scary amount of sense. it was right in front of me, all this time.

will talk about it later, when i'm not sleepy.

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ah … it’s that week again … that week when so-called “well-meaning” white folk share all the feel good mlk quotes.

well … a few years ago, when i was still on facebook, i had started to share an image with mlk quotes white folks don’t like to share. think i’ll start that shit here too. 😈

and just in case this pisses you off, then maybe you should read the letter from birmingham jail cos fuck you.

"the Pyramid is opening!"

"which one?"

"the one with the ever-widening hole in it!"

even a temple in ruins is a suitable place for communion.

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To my friends who are struggling today:

Please know that there are people in this world who love you. 💜 No matter what a friend or family member said to you. No matter what party you didn't get invited to. No matter what invitation you had to decline for your own safety. You are still worth loving. There are people in this world who love you and people who you've not met yet who will love you. 💜 Don't lose hope. 🫂

if you celebrate today, or if you don't, if you're happy or melancholy this time of year, however the season finds you, remember: you are made of stars. together we light up the darkest corners of the universe. may peace and joy go with you in the coming year.

i don't get it. why don't i stay drunk *all the time?*


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St Louis news, ACAB 

The proper title for this is "Rookie pig hurls 2500lb steel rocket through bar storefront and at owner, arrests owner on fabricated assault charge in aftermath"

I'd say this ruined my day but my sour mood doesn't hold a candle to the crap the couple victimized by these bastards went through.

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ACAB includes Ring doorbells and Alexa.

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PSA: Xfinity internet had a data breach, ALL customers' information has been leaked. If you use your password or security questions for anything else, change them now!

36 MILLION people affected.

Please boost and share, this is urgent shit.

#Xfinity #XfinityDataBreach

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if i was writing (co-writing) Metatokyo 2058 / Metatokyo 2061: The Long Shadows Of Destiny today, i'd probably be angling to sell the property to a Chinese mobile dev and make it into one 'a them Genshin Impacts.

i still say that a partially-finished, round-robin, genre-blending, anime-inspired epic that i helped write on a now-shuttered private forum twenty years ago somehow reshaped the future of popular culture through psychic osmosis, otherwise HOW DO YOU EXPLAIN THIS


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[me, every morning] "okay, i have this timed out exactly. i'm showered, i'm dressed, i've budgeted five minutes to take my meds, find my keys and out the door, seven minutes on the clock, should leave in plenty of time. just need to put my socks and shoes on."

*sits down on edge of bed*


*twenty minutes later* "...fuck"

i was alive when the promise of tomorrow was enough.

i have not forgotten.

i reject the false future of demagogues, oligarchs, fascists and techbros.

i choose the Infinite Arcade.

it awaits us.

welp that's the other shoe...literally. swanky!job has officially turned me down. i'm not shocked, just disappointed. i was looking forward to the possibility of having to weigh pros and cons of both places and make a choice that was going to benefit me. it would have been nice.

on the other hand, i know me, and getting a cushy, high-paying job in a very high-rent area of the city doing something i'm juuuuuust barely qualified to do would probably set off my impostor syndrome pretty bad and made me even more paranoid and insular, always afraid of upsetting someone or becoming a target of scrutiny. the place where i'm working now, it seems a little more grounded, a bit more in my league. or maybe this is what i'm telling myself.

either way, i am doing my best to internalize the Picard Maxim: it is possible to make no mistakes, and still lose. That is not weakness, that is life. And keep your jumpsuit tugged down at the waist, for fuck's sake, nobody wants to see it all bunched up around your ears.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.