the evil fucked up scientist: ooOOOooOoOo i came up with an EVIL DASTARDLY DISASTROUS TRANSFORMATION LASER THAT MAKES U change into ANYTHING!
me: *finishes burning the door with my thermite charges. it falls down* where is it motherfucker
the evil fucked up scientist: yOu wiLl bE aBle tO bE aNybOdy bUt yOur prEviOus fOrm!!
me: *pulls out a pistol and points at him* where is the lazer
the scientist: bUt u WiLL LoSe yOur hUmaNitY! you don't-
me: *slaps him with the gun* DID I FUCKING STUTTER
literally every piece of media about transhumanism is like "OOO YOU WILL LOSE YOUR HUMANITY" mf ur talking to silly fwuffy squeak squeak fox puppy boi :3 I REJECTED MY MORTAL FLESH YEARS AGO
i say that as somebody who gets military fetishism to an extent. guns and armor and planes and tanks are cool. i like GI Joe and Metal Gear as much as the next dumbass Gen-Xer. but i dont want to go to someplace and see the same people who are currently shooting poor people in the face in impoverished countries walking around thinking they look badass. you don't. the difference between you and a guy dressed like Michael Myers is that the people you are emulating have a real body count.
if i ran a fan convention where people dressed up as various characters, my number one rule would be for anyone who wants to cosplay as a soldier in BDU's for a modern military outfit or an "operator" (read: corporate mercenary); their con ticket will cost seventeen swift kicks to the crotch with steel-toed boots. and then $50.
fuck that shit. dress like Sailor Moon or something. i don't care how much you like Cawla Doody. keep your warboner out of my festivities.
owner of
head projectionist for Drive-in Saturday, the internet's premier movie-riffing organization ("Joel who?")
- = flesh is fleeting, chrome is forever = -