I kinda want to do something with the Star Trek: The Motion Picture script stuff I've done over the years. There's been some mutterings that People Want To Do Things With It, and I'd love to do it. But at the same time, I kind of am thinking of doing my own thing if that doesn't pan out.

nstead of dwelling on the Script War, or the reasons for all the rewrites, we really dive into the differences and how they change the tone of the story? There wouldn't be much in the way of interviewing the writers, as all three of the main writers have since passed (Gene Roddenberry, Harold Livingston, Dennis Clark). Do you think there'd be interest in a book about the different versions of the movie, ala "The Lost Worlds of 2001?"

Imagine an entire chapter of a prose version of Kirk trying to talk McCoy into re-upping with Starfleet as McCoy bandages a kid's pet cheetah, or Decker pulling a phaser on Spock and McCoy and forcing the V'Ger meld?

It'd be something to fall back on if The People Who Want To Do Things With It cant do things with it....

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