star trek thoughts
Ever since Admiral Janeway from the alternate timeline fractured the Borg Collective in Voyager, I've thought that a *super* effective way to remix the Borg as a threat would be to make them a pseudo-religious cult.
Imagine a cube appearing in low orbit and just broadcasting "We are the Borg. We offer Perfection to any who wish to join us." on a loop, and anyone who aimed a radio signal at them asking to join got beamed up.
And they refuse to leave.
star trek thoughts
Their ships are still geometric, but they're not pure-utilitarian anymore. They look like Apple made them. Each alcove has an assortment of trinkets showing each drone's individuality is intact.
Yet they still move as if they're a single entity, they're still *heavily* augmented with cybernetics, and they are utterly open about their history as The Borg Collective.
star trek thoughts
@zx3 @LexYeen on the one hand, despite the best efforts of telecom companies and law enforcement, they have a phone number or local equivalent that anyone on the planet can call successfully, for free, and without being surveilled or overheard by anyone
on the other hand, as a collective each and all of whose members have deliberately chosen to mingle their individuality with the hive at a level of intimacy beyond any experience available to the naïve, they have a surpassing respect for commitment to the bit, and are even now busily engineering the required infrastructure to offer ass lamination as a cosmetic option for both new and pre-existing assimilees