This Week's Meals BONUS: Nanos (Sponge Bread)

So, that Roman cookbook I have that I have no real faith in anymore? I don't put a lot of faith in the recipes anymore, but what it IS is a list of foods that I can look up online to try.

It has a recipe for Nanos, which is a cheese bread. Sounds good, but, again, no faith in the recipe (Especially as it calls for cheddar cheese, which we've previously determined is...not right). But I didn't see any other recipes for Nanos anywhere online. I found just one entry that mentioned it was a cheese bread, but no recipe. Just an entry of that it was a bread. I decided to go with the book's recipe. It actually has two different recipes, so I decided to try the first and it wasn't bad!

The crust with the cheese has got a nice bite to it, neither too crunchy, but not soft. The crumb is good, and the cheese layers give a nice taste to the bread. My only complaint was that I forgot the only bread pan I had was from IKEA, who make theirs super long and thin. So my loaf looks really long and really flat.

Also, I finally finished that bag of shredded cheddar cheese. I don't know if there was something wrong with it, but my goodness, it was the smelliest cheddar I've ever had. It was pungent.


@zx3 - Now I want to see a time lapse of the bread bake to wild jazz music.

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