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Been feeling very homesick of late, despite the news about the worsening situation in Texas for trans folk. Be it ever so fucked up, it's home.

Was doing some map road-tripping and came across Click, TX. The town my car is named after (I promised I'd name her after the next ghost town we got to, if she could make it to Bluffton, easy feat as Bluffton hadn't been above Lake Buchanan for 100 some years.

There used to be a few buildings here, in really good condition. Someone either had them demolished, or moved. I hope moved. Now all that's left of Click is a lonely windmill.

We can't go back, but we can go on.

Someone posted the trailer to Phase IV (one of my fave movies) and it got me thinking, with a lot of the video editing I've done lately, could I tack on the full deleted Saul Bass ending to the DVD? Turns out: Yes.

Needs some work on getting the brightness and contrast to match, but I'll wait on that for when I re-encode the DVD, whenever that is.

You've seen my "The Brunette" avatar from Second Life, which is the main one I use, but I do have another one I use that I designed to look like I likely would have had I not had the (literal) testosterone poisoning in my youth. It's rare I use it, but she's kinda cute.

This Week's Meals (4/3): Breakfast Tacos!

I just happened to have everything I needed for these and decided to bless my tortillas with Austiny goodness.

I've known people who work on TV shows and movies for a while now, but more so in the last couple of years. Actors, writers, producers, artists.

It feels wierd, cause (1) I LOVE MOVIES and often talk about them, both in what I like, and what I don't like and (2) I often share screenshots of the movies, which means I have them on my hard drive and implies I got them nefariously.

It's led me to kinda curb some of the talk I do about them, mainly because, maybe one of the folks who worked on it is reading it and I've just hurt their feelings, or given how "legal" the business is, could be on the hook for a story premise I just legally made difficult.

The second one is at least easier to explain - I pull all my VHSes, DVDs and Blu-Ray to files to reduce wear on the hardware and the media. In fact, I'm in the process of re-encoding a ton of my movies as some of these old encodes are 20 year old 320x240 Mpeg files that don't play well with today's HD TVs (Such as "Doctor Who: The Smeary Macroblocking of the Daleks").

But it doesn't mean that the first knee-jerk reaction MIGHT be "Did you pirate my movie?" I remember discussing a "blip" in a movie with one of its producers almost a year ago and they asked for a screenshot, and I literally for seveal seconds thought "Oh, crap, are they gonna think I pirated/am pirating the movie if I send them a screenshot from AVIDemux?"

The top window has the volume up, and the bottom has closed captioning, and if that doesn't show the world that my priorities in life are messed up, nothing does.

So I have six MREs from different companies just waiting to be compared. So questions for you, the viewer at home:

Would you rather have pictorial review? Like just pics with text over it? Or a video? Which would be something akin to a slide show with voice over, cause I have no camera stand for nice full video and I'm about as photogenic as a tire fire.

Also, there are a ton of MRE tasting videos out there. What's something you'd want to see out of these videos that you don't get from other folks?

Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.