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Purah's all grown up! I wonder how many years have passed since BOTW or if she's using the runes to correct her age. I love that she still does the finger-eye-gesture thingy.....

Spoilers for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom 

Is it just me? Or did Zelda's Blood Moon speech sound less like concern and more like a threat? O_o;

...have i mentioned i'm afraid of heights...cause...that's a...long......way......doooooooooooooooooooooooown.

Have I ever mentioned that I find the whole 80s Hair Metal look incredibly sexy? Cause I do.

As much as I enjoy gaming on a big screen with surround sound, the office has A/C, so this is my screen during the day....

"Gotta say, Hasbro knows how to pack collectibles," she said side eyeing Wal-Mart's online ordering system.

NO. NO NO NO. I'm not looking for 900 of you just for Korok Poop again.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.