Eclipse Day: The Eclipse Itself (2/3)
The eclipse started okay. But the longer it went on, the thicker the clouds got. Sadly, just before totality, the clouds straight up hid the show, and didn't let up until hours and hours later.
But we had a nice dark four minutes of totality darkness. I'm okay with that. That was @#$(&ing magical.
Eclipse Day: The Eclipse Itself (1/3)
The eclipse started okay. But the longer it went on, the thicker the clouds got. Sadly, just before totality, the clouds straight up hid the show, and didn't let up until hours and hours later.
But we had a nice dark four minutes of totality darkness. I'm okay with that. That was @#$(&ing magical.
Artist for Closetspace and A Wish for Wings
Creative Text Writer for MTG: Universes Beyond
Writer for Sea of Legends
One enchilada short of a Mexican Platter