Looking at this picture in #resonite reminds me of something a furry there told me (not in a bad way) when I just started using that new avatar:
"You know, you can be anything you want here. You don't HAVE to be human."
"I'm as close to what I want to be in this."
I love how welcoming everyone has been there, regardless of species. 🙂
In the end, they only used the five trees made instead of scattering them around the forest, but they're one of the first things you "see" when you jump in world. If you're in #resonite, check out "Creator Jam 281 - Silent Spring." Say "Hi" to the trees. The don't get much company....
Despite opening it up for folks to be trees, only one person took me up on the offer, and so we have a dragon tree as well. A lot of people seemed to like the concept, though, and through both building sessions (I only go to the first, but watch the second), it had a lot of people talking. Really felt part of the jam, and proud of my work.
In my case, I noticed we were going for a forest theme for the world, and I thought "wouldn't it be wierd to be walking through a lovely forest, and then you look over to one of them and there's a person in there?
Most folks had some literal interpretations of that, including a flower that steals your soul (by forcing you into the flower), or a patch of sunflowers that grow eyes that follow you if you get too close (and drop you in a nightmare world while they're at it).
Artist for Closetspace and A Wish for Wings
Creative Text Writer for MTG: Universes Beyond
Writer for Sea of Legends
One enchilada short of a Mexican Platter