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Today's Adventure in Texas, Parte the Firste.

Quihi is a tiny little town in an out of the way part of Medina County, between Castroville and Hondo. Despite being fairly old, founded in the 1850s, there's not a lot here outside of the general store, historic gun club, a nice church and a collection of old German style pioneer homes.


"When I was a child and the road was dark
"And the way was long and alone
"My heart would lift as I turned the bend
"And saw the lights of home."

Today's Texas Food: Burger Boy

Whataburger may be the best in Texas, but Burger Boy is the best in San Antonio.

Obligatory post to make my Seattle friends and family jealous.

First time I've ever cooked for a group and in a large quantity. And I think I did pretty good!

Jollibee. Jollibee. Your chance to shine and you landed flat on your face.

My mom and I are notorious fried chicken snobs. We both consider Church's Chicken to be top of the list chicken. And I consider Jollibee better. When I found out San Antonio had a Jollibee nearby, I decided to give mom a chance to try Jollibee chicken and really wow her. was just so dry. Not the least bit juicy. And was lacking any salt. The Seattle Jollibee was so good...And here it was just meh. Really disappointed....

The pies were a big hit, though.

Today's Texas Food: Schlotsky's

Yes, it's another chain. But it isn't in Washington. And it's an Austin original.

Honestly, I should learn how they do their bread. The rest is just cold cuts.

There was a late start to the day, and we needed to get home early, so today was maintenance day. Getting all the computers up and running, making food for tomorrow, and dad working on his new hobby: carpentry. These are Whataburger themed bird houses. :)

From humble beginnings (left) to greatness (right), in Senior, TX.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.