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As a general rule, the state should over-supply services. There should be slack in the system almost all the time. Relaxed GPs with lots of time to talk to their patients. So many teachers that the main trouble is finding rooms for them all.

Not only does this see a better quality of service mostly, but it also cushions the system in the event of an unexpected shock.

If you have just enough professionals to deliver at 100%, you don’t have enough professionals.

Perfect comparison of the 60's ideal futurists vs the current parasitic techbros.

#techbros #AI #futurism

lewd?, food mention 

Spouse, watching a cooking show: I think they put fish sauce on their tenderloin.

Me: That sounds like a double entendre from a Tom Waits song

Like a year and a half ago I asked my mom to drive me to the endocrinologist and she like whispered into the phone "is it for your transgender". At the timr that was one of the funniest things I've ever heard, but every time that an endocrinologist asks me what I want to make an appointment for I'm tempted to say "for my transgender"

I said this elsewhere in reference to something specific, but it bears repeating:

Pride has always continued in spite of whatever shit is thrown our way. We're stronger than they think we are, nothing they can do is going to break us as a community.

They think they can quietly erase us. Pride shows them how misguided they are. Don't give up hope, no matter what negative news comes around.

Checking out Duvall Days Festival 2024. Seeing friends, meeting folks, eating food my doctor says I shouldn't.

Doctor Who's "Dot and Bubble."

I love how 75% of this show is a funny ha-ha horror. Then there's a hard left turn during one point where it gets DARK. And then it gets super SUPER ugly.

I'm seeing a lot of people not liking the show for being too "on the nose" but I thought they pulled it off well.

To those saying "If it can happen to trump, it can happen to anyone.", yes you are correct.

If trump can be held accountable for his crimes, that means everyone can be held accountable for their crimes.

This isn't a flaw or a mistake, it's literally how the law is supposed to work.

The only cyborg I've seen get it right is Inspector Gadget.

Because I can probably name ten people right now who would go for the "motorized screwdriver in the finger" surgery, yet it so rarely shows up in fiction.

But that's the transhumanist future I'm waiting for

comparison human bajoran vulcan klingon fleshlights

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.