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While Sisko, Bashir and Dax beam down to San Francisco on August 30th 2024 in #StarTrekDS9's "Past Tense I", the actual Bell Riots start on the night of September 1st 2024 at the end of part 1 ↖️ and the beginning of part 2 ↗️↙️↘️. Today, right now, Sunday September 1st 2024, is the day!

If you tell me I can only work inside a stringent set of impermeable immutable set of rules, and cannot test, stretch or creatively interpret those rules - I won't be doing that very long.

My fave map guys take on Gerrymandering. Includes my hometowns of San Antonio and ONE district!

One detail that #StarTrekDS9's "Past Tense" predicted for the year 2024 is that men and women would wear dark eyeliner at formal events. You can see this during the cocktail party in part 1 where Chris Brynner (only here) and all the party guests wear dark eyeliner.

1. Carrying luggage with midlegs
2. Larvae wearing swimsuits
3. Feeding on more expensive plants that aren’t their usual fare


We've been placated by "tax breaks" and encouraged to build "generational wealth" for so damn long we never realized:

These things don't matter to anyone but the upper class.

Form feet and leggies

Form pawbs and body

And I'll form the blep

life is too complicated, we should all just curl up in sunbeams as cats intended

Happy Bell Riots Day?
Where in the 90s we might have believed that a mass death event might shock the country into doing the right thing. How cute.

Not even sure the writers could have imagined our response to the pandemic, even though it feels like a TOS planet the Enterprise would travel to in order to make a social and moral point about it's failings.

There is no Gabriel Bell. There is no Benjamin Sisko. There is only *us*, and what we do now to make things better.


When I worked as research assistant on season 2 of #StarTrekPicard, I came up with some ideas for visual references to what California was like in the summer of 2024 in #StarTrekDS9's "Past Tense". None of it was used in the end but here are my suggestions.

Transgender kids have a right to privacy from parents, U.S. court rules

"In a 3-1 opinion, the court upheld a lower court’s dismissal of a lawsuit filed by the mother of a Manchester School District student. She sued after inadvertently discovering her child had asked to be called at school by a name typically associated with a different gender."

#News #LGBTQ+ #HumanRights #Legal #Parenting #Politics

@vkc - Up until about a decade ago I was really big on "It has to be readable in Lynx, or I won't use that design."

I've had a few folks ask me how I make load so quickly.

It's a boring answer: it's tiny.

There's almost nothing you download when you visit. There's no JavaScript and we use whatever font you have as the default.

It's not a trick, it's just how things used to be. It has to load on a 28.8 modem, so on your modern machine it's going to feel zippy.

Modern websites can feel zippy too.

I have a lot of issues with the world, but it does make me happy that we all just seemed to agree to treat the Muppets like real people.

People like to think about racism as if it's full of malicious intent. But often it's much more banal. Most of the time it's nothing more than "if somebody has to get hurt, let it be them. Because who's gonna complain about that am I right?"

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NEW: A federal judge in Texas issued a revised order on Friday significantly increasing the nationwide limits placed on the Biden administration in implementing its Affordable Care Act healthcare nondiscrimination rule.

This evening, at Law Dork:

Hi Internet! I'm Drew and THIS IS MY FACE.

If this GIF has ever brought you joy in the past, I humbly ask you to consider making a donation to the National MS Society. It would mean a lot to me and to those I know affected by the disease!

Donate at

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.