I don't know if it ws Mom or someone else, but I was told they wouldn't buy these cookies because they "tasted cheap." I LIKED these, but I rarely got them.
I didn't realize they weren't actually just cheap grocery store cookies, but AN ACTUAL THING. I love me a lofthouse cookie.
Tonight's Completions....
Something I find odd. Breath of the Wild I only died once, and Tears of the Kingdom I didn't die at all. This one has taken me out more tha few times....
If you've "Got Our Back," Biden, now would be a good time to prove it.
This is why I can't move back to Texas.
@socketwench - Far too often these days.
@BestGirlGrace @aesmael - Given that I lived with three developers for that back in the day, I guess, yes?
Artist for Closetspace and A Wish for Wings
Creative Text Writer for MTG: Universes Beyond
Writer for Sea of Legends
One enchilada short of a Mexican Platter