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Today was a virtual world kind of day. I not only spent a ton of time world hopping in Resonite, showing off the worlds we all built during Creator Jam (which you can see here), but I also spent some time in Second Life attending a Japanese Tea Ceremony.

That's something I've always wanted to experience. I've seen a few on TV, but never attended one in person. This was virtual, but just as intricate and solemn as any tea ceremony. It was really lovely.

Maybe if I go to Kyoto, I'll see one in person.

Controversial Opinion: Dots are not gumdrops. Gumdrops are gumdrops. Dots are Dots. AND THEY ARE BETTER.


This is some good stuff. Critical Thinking is important. THINK critically about what you're seeing and hearing. Don't just take the spoonfed news you're given, by any news source or algorithm. THINK.

I always buy green bananas so they last through the week, but these are like unnaturally gamma ray irradiated green.

we've been playing an enjoyable Friday-night game called don't poke yourself in the boob with the corner of the server rail

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Sadly, the holy basil plant has given up the ghost. It survived longer than any of my other plants. And tastier, too.

October 2024: Your coverage doesn't end until September 2025!
November 2024: Your coverage doesn't end until September 2025!
December 2024: Your coverage doesn't end until September 2025!
January 2025: You coverage has ended.

I can't share the "Long Live the King" image from thje Official White House Twitter. This is disgusting.

But it's what they wanted.

Great Maker, help us.

"You broke your little ship."

Little accident while getting dressed of all things.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.