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Fox tails are nice. They are good plushies, and they come with a friend attached.

@Orb2069 - Yes. <3

(Actually, it was a revolving sushi restaurant in Seattle)

Today I proudly present to you all the greatest mini I ever modeled...


Concept was created by @rainy_daze_arts on Tik Tok who you should all def follow.

Free STL files here:

Anyone got good ideas on how I should use this in my next D&D game?

LB: My parents absolutely ANCIENT computers are running Linux Mint, and running it well. They run slow, but they're also not power users and it works fine for them.

linux hardware support is actually like, so insanely good? like i can pull a 10 year old laptop out of the trash and slap the newest 6.7 kernel on it and it runs fine.

you're not getting that from windows, and you're certainly not getting that from apple.

Especially with a dog now, I'm finding people leaving dog poop bags (or uncollected dog poop) left around on sidewalks and lawns -- yes, some people take the time to bag their dog poop and then still just leave the knotted bag on the stranger's lawn -- even more maddening.

If you have a dog, you pick up its poop and ditch it in a public garbage in a park or carry that tiny weight back to throw it out at your own place. That's Owning A Dog 101.
Can't do even that little? Then don't have a dog.

M$ Teams now "supports" mp4 backgrounds.
What were they thinking???

That Stephen Jay Gould quote where he says "I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops" is obviously true but also it really hits home when you remember that Philip Glass was driving a taxi while he wrote Einstein on the Beach. What Uber driver has the spare time to write an opera today? Capitalism remains the greatest impediment to unleashing human creativity

Me: I would like to do a stand-up comedy special please. I have dozens of hilarious jokes.

Netflix: Not interested.

Me: Okay what if I give a two hour pseudo-intellectual speech about the word "woke" and we just call it stand-up?

Netflix: Deal, here is 50 million dollars.

Many yearn for the "good old days" of the web. We could have those good old days back — or something even better — and if anything, it would be easier now than it ever was.

#web #newsletter #CitationNeeded

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.