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Helluva way to wake up today. Biden dropping out should have been a conversation a year ago, not now just months before the election.

But it's here, now. And, well, I've always wanted younger representation in office. Black representation again, too. Having a woman up there, that's three pluses.

But no one shoots themselves in the foot like the Democratic Party. I hope this gamble pays off.

So, we coulda had this Pac-Man for the 2600 if they'd pushed the 1977 era hardware to it's maximum, instead of the wierdness we actually got:

Wierd question for folks with diabetes, or are just getting older.

Do you have an issue where you can't taste anything when you wake up. Everything is just dulled until, and this is the wierd part, until you take a pinch of salt and put it on your tongue? Then suddenly it explodes awake and works fine until it happens again?

This has been happening for years, and today was one of those days. Not Covid, taste until salt.

Breaking: Kettle corn is delicious, but smells like feet.

So many articles about Democrats privately telling Biden to step down, but not a single headline about all these cool things I've privately told Biden:

-Yeah you can wash your cast iron pan. They're nearly indestructible.
-Super Smash Bros is more fun with items on.
-Can you bail out Red Lobster?

I love Beetlejuice and his iconic line "I am Beetlejuice"

little known fact: before digital, catgirls were interlaced - they were never cat and girl at the same time, but the cat and girl parts were beamed in too fast for you to tell the difference

I'm feeling bad for the people at CrowdStrike. Their stress levels must be off the charts.

Hopefully they will do a comprehensive post-mortem but I fear it'll be full of legal-speak.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.