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charlie brown with the football but it's the working class and trusting state socialists

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she's never gonna let you kick that ball

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We made a cyberpunk world in Creator Jam the last two days. I helped by creating that ramen bar you see in all the cyberpunk dystopia movies.

My Tron aesthetic didn't come through sadly, but the team that put the world together really made my little primitive bar shine.

@socketwench - Seeing all the added bodies and blood in the original ending genuinely felt good to see given the first two thirds of the movie. And while I felt Governor Breck was a bit two-dimesional as a villain, his final fate in the original ending felt rightfully earned.

@socketwench - So the writer of the Second-Through-Fourth Movies (I think that's Paul Dehn) had an entire timeline in his head about how the Apes world came around to the first movie.

The story behind Conquest is amazing. But the execution really comes across as reading a Wikipedia Article about the Apes Rebellion. It feels very tell-don' the writer is explaining the plot to us in a board meeting versus writing a movie.

@socketwench - It's funny how much we saw this in the 70s and early 80s. V: The Series basically took place in the Nation State of Los Angeles.

So I accidentally made eggs with about 500% of the Recommended Daily Allowance of salt.

Get salt shakers with built in spouts, she said. It'll be easier to cook, she said.

Thoughts Before Bed

Somewhere, looking down at me from the Great Beyond, Geri and Carole are smiling and saying "You're Welcome." ❤

Thoughts Before Bed

Big couple of nights this week. In a good way for once. Lots of old memories with a new friend, and new memories with a recent friend.

And we'll leave it at that. Best not jinx it, you know?

"And the horns kicked in. And my shoes started to squeak."

Everything that has a box is in it's box. Unless I'm actively using it, in which case I'll pack it when I'm done with it. I'll start the Big Packing on December 3rd.

Also there's a circle of hell where people untangle Christmas lights (or in my case, fireplace lights) for eternity.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.