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So here's me writing on a good day:
"Forsooth and most verily so, did the brave and bold Lucien alight upon his enemies and smote them forthwith."

Here's me writing on a sick day:
"i r a riter i riite good"

Oh, hey! Corner Gas is on YouTube! One of my favorite Canadian sitcoms, and proof you can have a hilarious hit without going too blue.

Here's one of my favorites:

Still not feeling 100% and my stomach demanded a pizza, so I ordered one. Halfway through the first slice, my stomach said "we're done."

So yeah, still sick. But getting better and now I have food for a couple of days.

Doing my throat some good. Wish I had some tofu me bamboo shoots to add some bulk.

Most trans people never regret transitioning. But plenty regret growing up in a world that told them they were wrong for existing.

Alright, which one of you put googly eyes on this New Zealand police recruitment advertisement? Fess up.

if youre not supposed to eat the silica gel packet then why does it look like a delicious little snack? - RFK JR probably

“The mothership has returned. Gather your things and inform the others.”

Since the US banned Hawaiian language and culture, our native language speakers dwindled to the brink of extinction in the 1980s (>100 child speakers). The fact we've 30,000+ Hawaiians speakers now is testament to our struggle to preserve our culture from eradication.

Imagine if it was YOUR teenage kid put onto a waiting list for a service that would no longer treat them by the time they got to the front of the queue. And imagine then having to live another 8 years on an adult waiting list. That’s just plain Orwellian. It’s hard to avoid the conclusion that the outcome is deliberate.

The problem with living alone is that when you're spending the day sick in bed, you don't have anyone to cook chicken soup for you at 9PM on a Sunday Night.

I think I have everything I need to make some hot and sour soup broth. That'll hit the spot.

I'm now past the "sick as a dog" portion of the illness and in the "I'm blowing my nose and coughing and it's dang annoying" part of the illness.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.