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A friend of a friend sent a picture of the broken Santa Cruz wharf 😵‍💫

@mikebabcock @hacks4pancakes When I hear this, I think of Edith's line from Enola Holmes: “Politics doesn’t interest you because you have no interest in changing a world that suits you so well." ⁣

If you put the fresh, chocolate pecan toffee you make into one of the containers you use for healthy meal prep, you transform the fresh, chocolate pecan toffee into healthy meal prep. Thank you, I won’t be taking any questions.

I found my computer glasses! They found thier way under my living room coffee table somehow....

I'm watching Moonraker tonight, and I still think that James Bond movies are just excuses to vacation in exotic locations between takes.

::looks at that northern border one hundred miles away axiously::

"Trump promises on day one to go after trans people with executive orders, banning trans people from the military, banning gender affirming care, and removing trans people from schools."

Take care to follow the instructions carefully for maintenance of your slotin-loader iMac g4.

There's been a lot of talk about the Star Trek Multiverse amd how LD may have moved Discovery away from the prime timeline. I actually kinda sketched up a "Theory of the Multiverse" when Lower Decks started, around 2020.

I also attemtped a Doctor Who one, which didnt' go as well.

My computer glasses have gone missing...they don't leave my office, so they're in the office....somewhere. But for the life of me I can't find them.

I hope I do soon, these things are a life saver when you do a lot of computer work.

Literally none of these people are scared of trans women either despite the "bathroom predator" myths.

White cis women frequently bully, assault, and physically and sexually abuse trans women with impunity.

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@spottyfox - I got the countdown a few times, then it stopped....

A sea shanty about the stupid truck is exactly what I needed today

blaine_strange @ :tiktok:

Thoughts Before Bed

Had I not found work by December 10, I would have moved in with Crystal and Lissa. If I hadn't found work by February, I was going to start selling stuff. If I hadn't found work by the time I sold everything but essentials and creatures comforts, I was likely going to go full "live with just a backpack full of survivables."

After a lifetime of being unemployed more than employed (my ten years at Nintendo was a fluke, and not my usual job experience) I seriously considered just going bare minimum to get through the day.

Glad I didn't, but I'm not throwing that playbook away. Just in case.

If someone could please tell my lungs and sinuses that I'm not sick anymore, or knows a good power washer who could clean all that out, I'd really appreciate it.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.