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@Tekk - It's way out here by Forks called Kalaloch lodge. I'd say it's beautiful but we got here in the dark of night. You can hear the ocean roaring not too far away, though!

"For those who must ride out the storm, some significant portion will die, and the survivors will carry the psychological scars of this emergency for the rest of their lives. This is the material reality defining all non-cis people in Texas, regardless of how hopeful, faithful, or positive someone wants to be."

I think the ultimate "are you a local now" question is if you know who JP Patches is. The day I learned, I was issued a flannel and a latte.

Putting some of my toys back together, and suddenly heard the "snap" of broken plastic instead of a nice click on a peg locking in place. Dang it.

Two transforms of Devastator. TWO. And his hip is now loose. At least he will stand due to friction, but does anyone have a spare Hip Bracket for a "Vintage G1" Devastator?

So, just found out that my Games Database got corrupted a few years ago and now I gotta rebuild it from scratch. Which is great as I have about 2000 individual games, not countin ports and clones.

My one sentence review of 2024 is done. One of the few positive ones. :)

Santa says I was a good girl this year but not that good. I can have all my old toys back. But only two new ones.

my health insurance cancelled my monthly injection because they only do 3 months of prior authorization at a time and didn’t tell me, just never delivered the injection so I had to call and was transferred incorrectly 6 times before someone could actually place a new order for me :Luigi:

When you think about it, “Behold” was a pretty ballsy move to name a furniture polish.

I have had engineers tell me with a straight face "maps are not political." My dude, there is NOTHING MORE POLITICAL THAN MAPS.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.