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@Natanox @socketwench - I really subscribed to the whole "The Federation is very utopian and solves their issues peacefully when possible. War could end up being a necessity, but I didn't like that either. Section 31 fit with the darker DS9 mindset, but for me was a betrayal of the Federation ideals. Just don't like the concept.

It only got worse in Discovery where this super secret division of the Federation is as private as The Kardashian family.

4K HDR TV. 5.1 Surround Sound System.

Playing Atari 2600 ET. As punishment.

Thanks to the Great American Healthcare System, I won't know if I cracked a tooth, chipped it, or just lost a filling, until March when my insurance kicks in. I have medicare, but it doesn't cover vision or dental.

Thankfully doesn't hurt but it doesn't feel right. FUN TIMES.

A question for my fellow Hispánicos.

One of the hard lessons of live once I left Texas was realizing what I called Mexican food was actually Tex Mex and my beloved flour tortillas were the exception, not the norm.

Because I hate corn tortillas. Like with the passion of a thousand suns.

But then I moved away, and found out even the corn tortillas were different and quite tasty. Which makes me wonder, which corn tortillas are the most authentic to you? The first (which I don't like), or the second (which I do?) I'ven ever had the second type of corn tortillas till I moved out of Texas.

I signed the offer letter. I start March 3. 🙂

When my lack of pinched nervepain , lack of blurred eyesight and lack of personal drama all come together, I still draw.

This is a sketch of a concept for one of my stories...the mental image of a person who gives up their cognition to another "identity" so that one can live for a short while.

Maybe I'll tell that story one day. It's taken me 25 years to tell two stories. Only 2083942390470293 more to go.

After a month of Sick->Vacation->Parents->Sick I'm finally catching up on stuff. I played with my TV trying to figure out what was broken on it when it comed to my HDMI setup and finally got everything set up I as best I could.

The TV now detects every device hooked up to it, so that's good. The Wii U and Switch play fine at 1080p and 5.1 sound.

The PS5 won't play at 4K for some reason. It maxxes out at 1440p, although the TV goes up to 2160p. It also won't play HDR. The TV doesn't detect it, and if the PS5 tries, it just shows a white and pink distored screen.

Oddly, Linux works fine with it. All the way up to 2160p. And while it's notorius for having issues with HDR, it seems to be playing it fine. The downside? OMG EVERYTHING IS TINY. SO TINY. I can scale the screen, but it also scales the graphics, so you lose the benefits of 4K. Which is fine - I cna scale it for computer use (Rare) and unscale it for media use (which I do 99% of the time).

Color and sound are really nice - although the sound wasn't an issue with the new TV (I just turn the sound off on the TV and let the 5.1 do its job). I use the Transformers Movie to calibrate color, and the Wormhole Sequence of ST:TMP 4K for sound. They went nuts with the sound mix there.

We're not a country.

We're a collection of company towns ruled by a corrupt conglomerate.

Today, Jenn's brain hit 115% CPU usage and ran hot all day.

I didn't even get much done.

@DavidYoungerman - Sadly, no. Mixmaster is holding on by wishes and good intentions.

The largest part of my toy chest is now back on display.

I've always been a big Transformers fan, particularly pre-1984 movie. I never really saw then as a toys, though. More like puzzles. Sadly after the movie, they got very simplified and the puzzle already went away and I lost interest.

Still love those G1s.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.