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Tonight's episode of Dr. Who was "The End of the World." I remember watching this as the second episode of the new Doctor Who, and feeling that the show felt very very very different with Chris Eccleston. He was almost too intense.

There's a point where he callously refuses to save a villain as she painfully dies, and he says "Everything has its time, and everything dies" when another character asks him to help the villain. At that point, I nearly turned the show off, cause this wasn't the Doctor I remember.

And then later, he talks about how he saw Gallifrey burn in a war and how "we lost" and "they're all gone" with him as the only survivor. And it hits me: This IS The Doctor. And holy cow has he seen some shit.

I believe in a livable wage for everyone. It baffles me business owners argue with me, and I’ve had many do so, that paying their staff a higher wage will destroy their business. They are always white dudes who fancy themselves clever businessmen.

Until I hit them with, “wait, are you saying you didn’t budget for employee wages that afford them the basics of life? Surely you budgeted for that, right, Jimothy? I thought you understood business?”

It’s a blow to the fragile biz man fee fees.

Mastodon, the largest gathering of queer people who have printed out Mapquest directions.

Mastodon meta 

@maegul @AriaGrace Here's a great flow chart that shows the visibility of a toot on which timeline it will appear dependent on if it's on a local and federated instance & if you follow someone who interacted with it.

Welcome to Space Hooters! Can I start you boys off with somethin'? Maybe a Tatooine Titty Twister or a Dagobah Dirt Bomb?

We all have doubts, insecurities, questions about our worth. Rest assured that it is normal for you to wonder whether you matter. Rest assured that you do. Of this I have no doubt.

bro I’m literally an accident of meat and electricity, I should not have to do math

The perfect word processor doesn't exist...

Psych! It used to exist, and it was spectacular 🤣

#dos #wordperfect #retrocomputing

#Browsers, time to bring back the RSS/Atom feed icon displayed when a website has an RSS/Atom feed. :rss:

It's long past-due!

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.