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cis folks: invite your trans friends to a boys/girls night if you haven't already (and if you have, keep on doing it). the acceptance from and inclusion by my friends who are women are some or the most affirming experiences i have had in my transition so far, and being included in "girls night" has had me in tears multiple times this evening

#trans #transjoy

"Well, 2023 has gotten off to a really bad start. At least it can't very much worse."
:: checks mail ::

One of the things I did before all the layoff stuff went down was get rid of my cable service. I don't watch enough TV to really keeps it, and I found a place where my antenna gets all the channels I need (I just use local TV for local news).

The nice thing is, I don't use the TV as a my TV. The signal goes into my TV card on my PC. Which actually allows you to stream it anywhere in the house. It works BETTER than my cable service!

Onyl downside is I don't get CBC anymore. But I only watched the news on CBC, and they put that on YouTube.

@tekk - I was wondering if you had Social Media out there! Glad to see you - hope you made the Tuesday Morning Massacre unscathed!

I'm watching Ice Road Truckers: Deadliest Roads and having a dad who does truck driving for a living and driving forest roads myself, it's funny how the show really amps up the fear and anxiety when I'm looking at it like "They've got plenty of room!"

Not that what they're doing isn't dangerous - it absolutely is. But wow, they take the smallest danger and ratchet it up to 11.

Laid Off, Day Zero: My former work desk quickly becomes a pizza buffet.

Years before the Cybertonian Wars, Proud Daddy Ironhide takes his son Ratchet for a day in the park.

Wednesday night we had another windstorm. Again, we just happened to be in a pocket of no winds, somehow.

Laid Off, Day One: already sleeping from 5AM to 1PM. ❤

So, now what?

Don't care. Won't care. Taking the rest of the week off. The worry will be there Monday.

Who has two thumbs and just got laid off? THIS GAL.

The website is now up live! And I'm very late for bed. Feel free to poke around, let me know if I broke anything or made anything super ugly.

Comics are coming soon. And all those grey/black links will be filled in with tasty stuff...eventually.

Many thanks to my curiously silent benefactor for keeping my hosting going for nearly 25 years! O_o;

And finally done with the website. I'm deleting the old one as we speak and will be uploading the new stuff shortly.

Man, going through the comic links and cleaning them up was melancholy. So many of those old comics gone. As long as there was one comic on the site, I kept the link, but wow, lots of old friends moved on....

And finally done with the website. I'm deleting the old one as we speak and will be uploading the new stuff shortly.

Man, going through the comic links and cleaning them up was melancholy. So many of those old comics gone. As long as there was one comic on the site, I kept the link, but wow, lots of old friends moved on....

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.