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A thing about ADD is you can be looking directly into someone's eyes while they're talking, brainstorming about all the ways you can become a better listener

Me at 20: I want to make a difference in the world

Me at 40: maybe if I stand really still and never speak again, I won’t fuck anything else up

#BlackLivesMatter has always been about “police culture” and police violence - how Black lives are severely impacted by a simple traffic stop. It matters not whether the officers are Black, white or other. #TyreNichols should not be dead because of a traffic stop! #BLM #Police

The Royal Oak in Richmond Park, I've posted this tree before, I photographed it in a late spring covered in fresh green leaves, this time it was cold and it's bare branches coated in frost, this tree has stood for over 600 years and compared to many around it it is small, but wide, amazing to think this tree stood when Henry VIII hunted here. #tree #OakTree #AncientOak #RichmondPark #RoyalOak #Nature #NaturePhotography #Photography #Winter #WinterVibes #BeautifulEngland #AltText

It's kinda wild watching the liberals here type out essays about how fascists being stupid is dope and they forget they're actively doing a trans genocide lol

My name is Luka
I live on the second floor
You killed my father, prepare to die

On this day in 1945, Auschwitz was liberated. Today, the world marks International #HolocaustRemembranceDay.

We can say “never again” all we want, but only constant effort to defend universal human rights has a chance of making that ambition a reality.

I'm just over here trying to process the fact that the guy who leaked damaging news about Hillary Clinton was literally being paid by Russia, and was instrumental in burying the evidence that he, and many other Republicans, were directly working for Putin.

And we're just... I dunno. Going to work and having bagels and shit.

Russia. Owns. The. Republican. Party. Russia had spies in the highest levels of the FBI. Russia had spies in the highest levels of the NRA. Russia owns US Congresspersons.

But whatevs. It's just a literal takeover of the government by our sworn enemy.

You are much more resilient than you think. You've made it this far, haven't you? Whatever lies ahead of you, your doubts will give way to glory. You are a true warrior, and I would be proud to stand with you.

When you finally confront the person who is ruining your life.

Last month, I saw this wonderfully entertaining process video of artist Cat Graffam recreating Goya's "Saturn Devouring His Son" in Mario Paint.

I loved it so much, I bought it… in the form of the original Mario Paint cartridge she made it on. It's my new favorite possession. Digital art ownership with provenance and scarcity, no blockchain required!

Thinking of moving my Work Desk monitor (which is a gaming monitor) over to the main computer desk, and that would give me three monitors to put even more useless windows on.

I have more Atari 2600 games than all my childhood friends had combined, and it only took 40 years.

Chronic Cough Update:

Went in today for a "metacholine" test to see if what I had was asthma or not. They give you increasing doses of metacholine to breathe, which is supposed to trigger asthma if you have it and affect your lung function, which they measure.

It happened and it happened. But apparently not enough for a formal diagnosis of asthma. I lost 17% of lmy lung function through the tests, and while that's a lot, it's not enough. So the doctor will look into something else that could be causing this.

I've decided I'm going to pursue this until the insurance runs out, and then "wait until somthing breaks and fix it then."

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.