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Boost this if you ever had to manage naming your computer files using only eight characters, plus the three character extension.

starting IOT next Monday, twelve weeks long.
no one should have to go bankrupt for getting sick or trying to overcome challenges.
help should be abundant. #heathcare is a human right.
fuck this whole country in it’s cold, dead heart.

Oh, wow, does this bring back some memories. The guy on the left is blasting so powerfully that he's run over multiple CB Channels, the strong signal to the right of him is complaining about the first guy,m and the bright white signal to the right of 27.200 are "Macho Man" and "Class Act" arguing about why New Mexico is a better state than Washington.

Ah, not so different of the memories of my old CB days as Blaster....

My daughter told me today she no longer tidies her room, instead she 'resets' it to tidy each Sunday for the week ahead . She said mentally this helps because tidy sounds such a chore while reset doesn't, and the thought that there's a weekly reset means she doesn't feel bad if the room gets messy in the week, because she'll reset on Sunday!
Anyway I thought it was cute and might be useful for someone

A HS student to their TX school board, which is banning books:

“I’m not going to sit here and talk about the slippery slope that book banning leads to because I learned from a book, that I checked out from my school’s library, that I don’t need to resort to logical fallacy to make a point. I’m simply going to say that no government – and public school is an extension of government – has ever banned books, and banned information from its public, and been remembered in history as the good guys.”

New Minnesota Law on reproductive rights

"Every individual who becomes pregnant has a fundamental right to continue the​ pregnancy and give birth, or obtain an abortion, and to make autonomous decisions about​ how to exercise this fundamental right"

Note that law protects both right to end pregnancy AND right to continue pregnancy


#ReproductiveJustice #ReproRights #abortion #race #law #courts #lawfedi #lawprof #Minnesota

Welcome to Mastodon…

Please spay and neuter your bigots.

"I have always wished for my computer to be as easy to use as my telephone. My wish has come true because I can no longer figure out how to use my telephone." ~ Bjarne Stroustrup, C++ inventor.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.