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Well seeing that my sleep schedule is completely trashed, I may as well watch the sunrise. Cause the McDonald's won't open for another fifteen minutes.

Gotta get those McGriddles when you're awake for them.

Burning off the last of the Threadgill's homemade dinner in one go.

A++ Would cook again.

I'm watching the pics and video from the Picard screenings few days ago, and I've got so so so many memories of the TMP Screening I went to last April.

While I woulda loved to be there, I think I'd have enjoyed the TMP viewing better. The TMP vieweing was much more personal an intimate. I got to mingle with the producers and creators and it was really a celebration of the creation of a movie with the creators of the movie, and I very much felt like a very-far-orbit member of the crew than a fan.

The Picard premiere from a fan perspective looked more like a real movie premiere, where the creators and the visitors were kind of seperated from each other. I'm not sure how much of that is true, since I'm only seeing a few videos and pics here and there. It was also FAR larger than the TMP premiere, so it may have had to be that way. But the fans were happy to see each other, too. I know I would had a blast meeting Sean Ferrick and Jessie Gender.

It would have been a blast to go see Picard as well. But the TMP premiere is something I'm gonna treasure for a long long LONG time.

::wakes up five hours later in my office chair::

I'm back home. Now the real question. Sleep now and wake up super early in the morning. Or fight sleep and sleep super late.

Waiting an hour for a blood test. That means a fifteen hour fast I'm meaning to break with gusto.

I'm in in the Wellburton neighborhood of Bellevue. Do I get sushi or pho? Something else you'd recommend?

NOW I'm finally tired. That's great and all. But I gotta be up in three hours, so, I hope you enjoyed an extra hour or so of web browsing, body, cause you're gonna be a wreck when I wake up.

i am a
⚪️ man
⚪️ woman
🔘 person on the internet in 2023

⚪️ man
⚪️ woman
🔘 an internet experience like 2006

Well, I've been tossing and turning for three hours in bed. I may as well just stay awake and call the Doctor really wants to do a full health exam with very little (if any) sleep.

If there's no exam, I'll just stay awake till I fall asleep.

Been a long time since I've seen a sunrise.

Well that's something I can talk to the doctor about: insomnia.

Thoughts Before Bed

"And if the dam breaks open many years too soon,
"If there is no room upon the hill,
"And if your head explodes with dark forbodings too,
"I'll see you on the dark side of the moon."


So I'm going into Bellevue for a Doctor's Appointment tomorrow. I'll also be fasting for twelve (or more) hours beforehand which means I'll be hungry after the appointment.

Where should I go?

Was hoping to finish up the Games Database today, but my goodness, the Nintendo Switch games. Between everything NOA gave us and the game collections, it makes up nearly (if not over) 50% of my games collection.

Jenn: "Brain, please pull up the name of that site where people donate money to get projects started?"
Brain: "Kneesnapper."
Jenn: "Kneesnapper?"
Brain: " Knee...KICKSTARTER."
Jenn: "......thank you."

Fediverse Meta 

The Mastodon.LOL shutdown exposes serious weaknesses of the Fediverse.

From my perspective, it is:
- A community destroying itself as it argues over ideological purity
- A single admin's problems leading to a major server closure

Arguments over ideological purity, combined with server defederation etc., fracture and weaken the network.

In the worst case, this exclusionary extremism that says "If you don't completely agree with me, you are my enemy" could destroy the fediverse.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.