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Last Boost: I really feel that now, and I'm horrified for the trans kids growing up in it. When I came out, there weren't many of us out in public. I was treated more as a sympathetic curiosity than a threat. I had a lot more help than hindrances, which, to be fair, were there.

Now there are laws being pushed up that will kill our kids, all because conservatives are willing to throw us under the bus for (unecessarily) angry outraged votes.

I am really not looking forward to the rest of this week, and frankly, month and year.

Hey! ‘Nix heads! #unix #linux

I need to transfer/copy stuff from one computer to another. ( #Debian to Debian).

I’m basically moving servers….

How easy is it to do a copy while keeping everything functional? Is it just an Rsync? (Architecture is the same but drivers may vary).

Should I do a fresh install and an differential rsync?

Tips appreciated.

Also, I know some people say DEB Ian and I say Dee BeAn. pls don’t hate me.

"According to the bill, the state would be allowed to take children away from their families if the state believes that a child has been or may be experiencing gender-affirming care. If the custodial parent receives gender-affirming care, then a child can also be seized from their family. The law would redefine living with a transgender person as an abusive situation."

I hate time changes. Can we just choose one and stick with it?

So Tuesday and Wednesday are going to be rough food wise. Clear liquid diet. Fun.


Tonight's TNG was "Data's Day." There's a scene where Data asks the holodeck to conjure up a dance partner, and I don't think it's a coincidence that she looks like Denise Crosby's Tasha Yar.

Given what Data says in about his relationship with her in "Measure of a Man" it seems to have gone deeper than his one night with her in "The Naked Now." I do believe he got closer to her right up until she died.

One thing I really think should have happened in Season 1 of Picard was not that Picard was waiting for Data when he dies, but Tasha.

There are times when I think that it would be a source of personal pride not to be human.

Taking it easy on the cooking this week, cause of the food restrictions I have for the doctors appointments this week. But I think I'm gonna make some yeast rolls for NEXT week.

Okay, Valentine-Who-Sent-Me-Candy-In-My-Dreams-Last-Night...Chocolate Covered Mushrooms?! MUSHROOMS?!

"We don't have an agenda. We aren't "converting" or "influencing" trans youth. The voice of one trans person that decides to detransition isn't the voice or experience of ALL trans people. The experience for white trans people is NOT the experience for ALL trans people." Kai

(Accessibility: Picture of hands clasped together with a rainbow ribbon wrapped around the left wrist. Text: As above)

#TransBPOC #TransYouth #Transgender #Trans #NonBinary #Queer #LGBTQI #LGBTQ #LGBTI #lgbt

All of Star Wars in a 5 Minute "Trailer." Bonus points for using deleted footage. Topher Grace managed to even make the sequel trilogy look compelling.:

This performance would be illegal in Tennessee now.
You know what to do.

1 Doctor's Appointment Down, Four to Go.

This one could have been an email.

Huh. Robert Blake died.

I might have been two degrees of separation from him. I knew a guy in the early 90s who claimed to be one of his bodyguards. I was skeptical, given some of his other claims, but there were a few times he was supposedly on the phone with him at the same time I was there. So who knows. I knew a guy who knew a guy.

What I know about both of them though since then makes me wish that there were a lot more people between those two and me.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.