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Oh, joy. Insurance fight. This time between one insurer who says "Yes, your coverage is active" and another saying "No it's not" and the two won't talk to each other, or believe that the other is saying what they're saying.

I hate the American Health Care System.

I always enjoyed working with our fans on the Forums and through Letters. I was on Email for a month, too. Looks like someone else remembers those days fondly:

::gets ready for bed::
::EMail chirp on phone::

"Your Dental Bill is here! You owe us $400."

::Spend the next two hours chasing down why I'm showing I have dental insurance coverage on one website, but not the other::

I always have trouble going to sleep when there's Things To Be Done, but worse sleep when there's nothing I can do until I wake up.

I've always had problems with neck and shoulder pain (that "crick in my neck"). I'm on Day Three of it, so it's time to break out the personal massager....

Formerly conducted on the bird site, #StarTrekHour is a weekly #StarTrek Mastodon hashtag party hosted by @JoeSondow every Tuesday at 1pm PT, 4pm ET.

This account posts discussion questions, mostly submitted in advance by you, the community. Participants reply with their answers and the #StarTrekHour hashtag, and have discussions about the episode of the week.

Tues, May 9, 2023, at 1pm PT, 4pm ET #StarTrekHour will discuss #StrangeNewWorlds SNW S1E6 "Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach"

Put discussion questions here:

This might have been a Central Pennsylvania exclusive, but anyone remember a song that had a really long guitar solo in the middle that was the entire theme to The Simpsons? I'd love to hear it again, but I can't seem to find it or even any info about it.

Decided to catch the new Night Court cause I loved the old one and, Holy Cow, Melissa Rauch is TINY.

I was on grey market hormones for nearly twenty years, and this was BEFORE states decided to throw us under the bus for votes. It's not easy, but it WAS necessary.

I knew he did the Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald, one of my fave songs, but I wasn't aware how many other songs her did that are among my faves....

Uhg. Had a crick in my neck as well as back pain all day. I slept pretty badly last night. Been sleeping pretty badly for a while now. I need a vacation from my "vacation...."

As much as digital TV is an improvement over analog, I do miss being able to watch weaker signals when it gets cloudy.

"But, Jenn, it's always cloudy in Seattle."

I know, I know.

Three day cleaning binge over! Everything is sparkly and spotless except the dishes cause the dishwasher will only hold so much without exploding.

Now onto the end of the month backups, and take on May with a fresh start.

Everything's Deep Cleaned except me, and that's happening after I finish watching "The Day the Earth Stood Still." :)

Most of the house has been deep cleaned. Just gonna get some breakfast, then take on my collective nemeses: the kitchen and toilets.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.