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Purah's all grown up! I wonder how many years have passed since BOTW or if she's using the runes to correct her age. I love that she still does the finger-eye-gesture thingy.....

Spoilers for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom 

Is it just me? Or did Zelda's Blood Moon speech sound less like concern and more like a threat? O_o;

...have i mentioned i'm afraid of heights...cause...that's a...long......way......doooooooooooooooooooooooown.

Have I ever mentioned that I find the whole 80s Hair Metal look incredibly sexy? Cause I do.

As much as I enjoy gaming on a big screen with surround sound, the office has A/C, so this is my screen during the day....

"Gotta say, Hasbro knows how to pack collectibles," she said side eyeing Wal-Mart's online ordering system.

NO. NO NO NO. I'm not looking for 900 of you just for Korok Poop again.

Linux users - anyone know of any voice dictation solutions? Thinking of trying it to at least give me a non-keyboard option whilst I am in a cast. If you have personal experience please, don't just go google it.

Update: Trying Talon ( Seems like it covers everything I need, and not just on Linux!

If you can't handle someone else's gender identity, maybe you need to work on your own insecurities.

While I'm very much looking forward to the new Zelda game's story, there's another thing I'm hoping to get out of the game. My love for gaming.

It's no secret that I lost that love for Nintendo when my sister passed away and the callous reaction to it by one upper manager (no one who I'm friends with here, so It's Not You) who used it to deny me a management position. That was the nail in the coffin.

Looking back three years after I last walked out those doors, I see someone who has become bitter about the whole situation, and it's affected my joy of gaming that it managed to rekindle over a decade ago when I was brought onto Nintendo.

Cause I love video games. Have since I was a kid. But after my time at Nintendo, overseeing how the sausage was made, the recipe change, and the exploited employees, things greyed out for me.

I'm losing that love over the shit I (and others) went through. I really don't want to lose it AGAIN. I'm hoping this game will allow me to see the joy in games again.

George Santos voting on an employment fraud bill hours after he was arrested for employment fraud is peak GOP

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.