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Today's Completions (2/2).... Lots of work these last two days. Wednesday I'm gonna take a break from gaming and do something (anything) else.

Trying to keep these spoiler free...but the freaking title of one of them IS the solution to the quest....

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Today's Completions (1/2).... Lots of work these last two days. Wednesday I'm gonna take a break from gaming and do something (anything) else.

Trying to keep these spoiler free...but the freaking title of one of them IS the solution to the quest....

Well. Back to Tears of the Kingdom, I guess. Love the game. Not a fan of the circumnstances that give me all the time to play it....

@StarTrekHour @petertrek1
I liked that it gave M’Benga a background and shows that he will get his hands dirty if needed. That plot line served its purpose. Dragging it out more would taint it.
Before the end of the show, I would like to see a flash forward of an old M’Benga going back to that nebula and see him join the adult Rykiya there.

This is the funniest thing I've seen in a while. Someone asks #ChatGPT to rewrite a simple statement (sitting outdoors enjoying a bagel) in a way that cannot possibly cause any offense to anyone.

hey Warner Bros i need to borrow every single print of Clockwork Orange real quick. No reason.

▪️ Americans rank COVID as one of the least threats to American public health at this moment, on par with unsafe driving. They rank firearms as the top threat.

Fun facts: Around 45,000 Americans die in traffic accidents every year. Around 50,000 die from gun murders and gun suicides. 123,000 Americans have died from COVID in the past year.

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Dear TV networks: your social media ads for your exciting new lineup of reality shows is fooling zero (0) people.

You might be better at this if you paid your writers. Kindly fuck off until you have a contract.

Some hospitals refusing to mask anymore because they claim people are likely to get #COVID elsewhere anyway. That's a dereliction of duty. Regardless of what is happening elsewhere, no one should ever have to risk their health while seeking medical care. Do no harm.

Doctor Who needs to do something else with the Valeyard

Roblox should be a game about stealing smoked salmon

uspol, twitter 

Dear god.

Ron DeSantis is announcing his run for president in an interview with Mr. Twitter himself.

Can we please please please stop giving this person money? Please?

@siege I want to believe there’s an alternate timeline where this is exactly what happened.

I’ll bet they have jetpacks.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.