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Whoever set Seattle weather back to December, please fix the thermostat.

Dish Wars: Episode 4 - A New Hope

All my dishwashable dishes are done. All that's left is hand washing the ones that can't go in the dishwasher. It's taken almost two weeks to clear all that out between the flu and the pinched nerve....

Suddenly craving Roscoe's Chicken & Waffles. I don't suppose someone could open a branch up here in the PNW?

Lyrics Before Bed:

Open up my heart to show you the bigger guy
Out flies a bumblebee and a butterfly

What can I make with left over (uncooked) chicken breast, pork belly and shrimp?

2023: You're laid off.
Jenn: Okay, not a problem. I'll get some creative work done while I wait on interviews.
2023: Like hell you will....

So I was actually kinda unhappy with the Hylian Tomato Pizza. It was great, don't get me wrong. But on reheating in the microwave, the cheese and dough just melted and turned to goop.

But I just reheated a slice in the oven. AND OH MY GOODNESS IT TURNED INTO EVEN MORE OF A PIZZA.

I don't remember if I saw Close Encounters at the theater (I would have been three) or if I saw it on TV later on, but this scene has been burned into my brain since the first time I saw it:

Jenn, you cook so much awesome food. Where'd you learn all that?

Spent the entire day cleaning house between ice pack applications. Ice packs work best at this point, even more than the pain killers.

The house is still not clean, but at least it no longer qualifies for superfund site status. One or two more loads of dishes, and we'll be all done. Then we can just be very judicious about what needs cleaning/washing and what can be disposable until this pinched nerve is worked on.

Trying to make Friays my Chore Day, but lemme tell you, my neck ain't havin' none of that....

I'm not someone who ships Zelda and Link, like, ever. I see their relationship as "Queen and Knight" or "Ruled and Ruler." There's a Fealty aspect I've always put to the Zelda games. I see Link with Malon in Ocarina, or Link and Mipha in Breath of the Wild.

But Tears of the Kingdom? I'm fairly sure they're a couple at this point, if only out of the circumstance of where and when they are at this point in that story. (Warning, spoilers!)

I am 15 minutes into Strange New Worlds, and I'm ready to rename this to The Commander Pelia Hour. Carol Kane is this show already playing a character type I've NEVER seen in Star Trek before: The michevious grandma.

Ah, summer. The season of "Yeah, I'd like to wear that cute summer outfit that girl is casually wearing, but I'd be laughed out of the county if I did."

Second Life is turning 20! Festivities begin on June 22nd and during the celebrations, there will be a series of Lab Gab events. Do you have questions you want to ask?

Submit them before June 21st! ➡️

#SL20B #LabGab #SecondLife #VirtualWorld #Metaverse #LindenLab

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.