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Drove through town today on the way home from Physical Therapy. LOTS more pride flags in the shop store windows and doors.

To quote a famous doctor..."Pride...uh....finds a way."

Okay, that Spaghetti Casserole is better, sure. But I still don't really like it. So it's a three star recipe now instead of one. 1 was "Don't make this." 3 is "It's not bad, but it's not for me."

For Pasta + Cheese, I think I'll stick with good ole mac'n'cheese.

We had a visitor the other day. Animal Control wouldn't take him, and King County wouldn't either as long as he wasn't on the ground. So I named him Charlie. He hissed at me.

Once I came back from Canada, he dissapeared. Which I'm okay with as I'm allergic to rabies.

Pretty sure Laverne from "Laverne and Shirley" was the original pilk appreciator

"Ah, good morning Jenn...I hope for a restful and slow day today and--"

Oh, yeah. The frozen peas worked WAY better. This batch doesn't have that overwhelming canned peas taste and smell. It's no longer a one star (don't make this) meal. Still not sure how many I'd give it just yet....

The redone spaghetti casserole already smells better with frozen peas. The canned peas one immediately smelled of canned peas and it never went away.

The engineers who designed the #Voyager probes half a century ago even thought of the possibility that a wrong sequence of commands may point the antenna dish away from earth (like someone did a couple of days ago).

And they implemented a self-adjusting mechanism that a few times a year scans the positions of a few known stars to infer the position of the earth, and point back the antenna in the right direction.

50 years later, these wonderful machines are still working, tens of billions of km away from earth, with only 69 KB of RAM, and even a wrong sequence of commands won't put them out of use, while nowadays 4 GB of RAM aren't even enough to start VsCode or IntelliJ.

The more I understand how they were designed, the more I feel like an early Medieval engineer looking at the Pantheon or other marvels or Roman architecture. Some amazing skills, knowledge and attention to details have been lost from that generation to ours.

We should be able to hot swap body parts on the go having a set body is so lame where is the efficiency in that :grr:

Growing up and growing older are journeys of constant discovery. You will never stop learning more about who you are, and you should never stop looking forward to who you will become.

Okay, I want that exact Strange New Worlds/Lower Decks crossover again, but flip it. Show the LD segments in live action, and the SNW segments animated. Make it a LD episode. :D

TMI: I blame Smurfette for my love of husky voices.

Dream Fleet Bird-of-Prey is done! I re-scaled the overlays to be 3840px. This was another that I had to edit the color in post rather than in the game client.

This one I also had to pull 3 ship layers instead of 1. the main, and then 2 more for the wing diagram in the lower left that got overlayed with each other and converted to lineart

#StarTrek #Barbie #Art

Thinking of trying the Spaghetti Casserole again. This time using only frozen peas instead of canned. I think fresher peas will make the difference as the canned ones just tasted BLARGH.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.