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I've been wearing some of my old camisoles to keep cool and to be decent enough to keep the windows open in the house, and I remember why I both like, and don't like wearing them.

I like them cause, they are a great way to stay cool in warm weather. Really. I love that.

I don't like them because my linebacker shoulders make me feel like that one loaf of bread that doens't quite fit the grocery bag, so you but it on top and it's in the bag, but also isn't and kinda fluffs out the top and could fall out at any moment.

Oh, hey, another Tears of the Kingdom Post-Game Milestone:
All Adventure Log tasks done!

Current status:
All Shrines
31 Light Roots
972 Korok Seeds
All Main Quests Completed
All Side Adventures Completed
All Shrine Quests Completed
All Side Quests Completed
All Memories

88.80% Complete
310 Hours Played

Stumbled into a movie shoot in town on the way to get some food. Isn't there a buncha strikes going on right now?

Tears of the Kingdom Post-Game Milestone:
All Shrines Discovered!
All Shrine Quests completed!

Current status:
All Shrines
30 Light Roots
970 Korok Seeds
All Main Quests Completed
59 Side Adventures Completed
All Shrine Quests Completed
132 Side Quests Completed
All Memories
88.52% Complete
310 Hours Played

I keep saying that Strange New Worlds episodes are better than they have any right to be. Afterthe Lower Decks Crossover and the musical episode, they have every right to be as good as they are. They earned it.

Especially after THAT scene.

I'm ten minutes into the latest Strange New Worlds, and let me tell you, I've howl-laughed three times now. I don't think a musical episode would have worked in any other Star Trek, and maybe not even the first season...but they've estrablished this Trek can be Goofy Trek, and it works inside Goofy Trek.

TIL honeydew in French is Melon Miel

I'm going to take that as my name if I ever go into music production

Kids today don't know an episode of Aeon Flux ended with her as a mom with a minivan picking up her kid from baseball practice

I cannot tell pride flags apart when the phone is in greyscale Go To Sleep mode

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.