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Take what you need and boost to help out your friends! :blobfoxheartcute:
(more than one answer possible)

I wonder why that bat keeps hanging around outside my window....oh....

"The information is really easy to find! All you have to do is join my Discord server--"

the rest is drowned out by the sound of blood pounding in my ears

Here are Pike's dream vacation locations that he looks at on a PADD in #StarTrekSNW's "Subspace Rhapsody". I wonder if he's looking for fitting locations on Crivo (to please Captain Batel) or if these are on another planet.

Kahless tells is that the darker it is, the more the smallest light stands out. A true warrior tries to be a light in the darkness, a beacon to others of honor to find and join and blaze all the brighter, and push back the dark together.

the catgirl interprets organizational failure as damage and builds around it

i hope in 800 years someone tries to write a historical action drama based on our time and when the hero goes into battle their war cry is like "DJ KHALED!!!"


Instead of wondering if something is normal, ask if it's harmful.

Dressing up as an anthropomorphic animal character isn't normal, but it makes a lot of people smile.

Being exceptionally talented isn't normal, but it sure offers a way to enrich your life as well as the people you care for.

To hell with normal. To hell with being afraid of being called weird. Furries figured this out decades ago. Many anime fans and gamers, too.

Yet, I hear people ask things like, "Is it normal to feel the way I do?"

I dunno.

Does it make your life harder? Then you might want to do something about it. Does it cause harm to others? Definitely do something to correct it.

But to cry when you watch movies? Or to want to cuddle so much that you lose any interest in actually having sex? Or to hate the world we inherited so much that it hurts, and so you channel it into helping others suffer a little less?

Who gives a shit about normal. That's human.

Ohio! If you haven’t voted yet, tomorrow is the big day. The GOP is trying to rig the system with Issue 1. Vote it down.

A broken clock fixed by taping a working clock over it is a metaphor for every codebase you’ll encounter in your professional career as a software developer.

Internet Archive is having a power/network issue at one of its datacenters, so we're taking a big ol' nap. People are on it.

This is HUGE.

"The National Labor Relations Board ruled Tuesday that employers can no longer demand laid-off employees avoid publicly disparaging the company as part of their severance agreements, nor can they stop affected employees from disclosing the terms of their exit packages. Doing so, the federal agency determined, would be a violation of the laid-off employees’ rights under the National Labor Relations Act."

we weren't meant to have to go to work. life is meant to be spent with the bestie
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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.