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So if Vera in Superman III is trans, then our villain, Ross Webster is the most trans-friendly character in the movie, never misgendering her, and calling her "Sis" the whole time.

So this movie was made in 1983. If it's 1000 times more powerful than the averan 1983 computer...that would be....multiply by 1024....carry the one....square of the phone is 3 million times more powerful than their supercomputer.

I mean, really...16 colors at 320x200? My phone is 16 million at 1920x1080. :)

Huh. The Superman III character in Vera is depicted as a transphobic trope and the recipent of transphobia throughout the movie. I wasn't expecting that from a movie in 1983. Especially as "comedy."

Which sucks, because she's the most capable character in the movie.

Jenn: "You know, Superman III isn't as bad as I remember it. There's some real heart here in the Smallville scenes. Maybe I'm just misremembering it all...oh."


Heh. I always thought she said "The Big Gay-pricot." I repeated the scene multiple times, and I hear it each time.

Does the New York of the 80s Superman and Ghostbusters even exist anymore post 9/11 and Giuliani? One thing I remember saying a lot of was that New York in Ghostbusters was as much a character in the movie as the leads themselves, and not so much in the 2016 movie.

As someone nearing the end of their unemployment benefits, the opening to Superman III with Richard Pryor being told his benefits have run out is....not fun.

"Jenn are you a movie buff?"
"Well, kinda. I do love movies. But...the movies I love are...kinda varied."

Wordle 802 2/6


After a week to sit and cogitate on it, I think the Mario Puzo drafts of Superman are less "throw stuff on the wall and see if it sticks" but a fundamental difference in ideas of what a "comic book movie" entailed.

Mario Puzo was writing a "comic-book movie featuring Superman." Having so many little episodic adventures mimics how comics were in the 50s and 60s: each issue a self contained story which usually had a lead in to next month's comic. The script is a series of filmed comic book adventures.

The Tom Mankiewicz/David & Leslie Newman/Robert Benton scripts, which resulted in the Superman movies we got, were a "movie featuring comic book hero Superman." Focused on telling a story about Superman, versus emulating a comic book.

I don't blam Mario Puzo for going the episode comic book route - this was really one of the first comic book movies, and the genre was still in flux. At least until Superman was released....

Weather Report: "Slight chance of thunderstorms."
Jenn: "I'll believe it when I see it."
Weather: ::BOOM::
Jenn: ....................................... :D

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