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I don't know if this is a San Antonio thing, or a Texas thing, but my goodness, there are a LOT of personal injury commercials on TV out here.

Who has two thumbs and likely the flu? THIS GAL.

Thankfully when I got my Covid shot I got the flu shot as well, so I just feel really wierd instead of really sick.

But since I've had to cancel a lot of plans, and the VPN connection is still holding, I'm staring here an extra week.

Now if you'll excuse me...I'm gonna take a nap.

An actual image of my blood pressure at the end of Tuesday's Very Busy Day.

Speed Limits in Texas are nuts. It was 70 on this not-a-freeway up to this sign....

Since 1981, we planned to live here. Since 1992, I planned to retire here. We fought to take our thirteen mile view and make it home.

Forty two years later that dream is over. We signed the sale paperwork yesterday. This loss hurt.

Dreams are for other people.

Today's Texas Adventure

In 1854, Lyman Wight and a small group of Mormons settled in a bend of the Medina River roughly on the Castroville/Bandera road. They were they for just four years before moving on.

They must have made an impression because many of my old maps and newspaper articles mention the "Old Mormon Camp." There wasn't anything left of the camp when Medina Lake inundated it nearly 60 years later

With Medina Lake nearly empty because of the drought, Dad wanted to see the town site. I did warn him there was nothing left of the town, and that even looking at the town site may not be possible because it can't be seen from the road, but we went anyway. What we did catch glimpse of were the Mormon Bluffs, which were directly above the town site.

Either a graphic designer thought this was a good idea, or was forced to use it by the client.

Twenty eight years ago, when this was a small dirt county road in the middle of the woods, I committed to my transition.

There are still a few clues that this was the place. And I felt it was important I come here before it completely disappeared.

Oddly, one of the things I miss from home is the military flights flying overhead every few hours.

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Drive-in Saturday: you're all becoming stronger, faster hunters.